miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

New campaign for El Gourmet

El Gourmet, the TV channel owned by Chello Media, has recently redefined their image and Juan has been busy providing new pictures of their talents for the newly-designed layouts. As always, shooting chefs is great fun as 99.9% of them are wonderful people.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Amazing pears and apples for Kleppe

Juan spent all day shooting wonderful apples and pears from Patagonia for the Argentinian export company Kleppe. The award-winning Gaucho brand is sold domestically and worldwide, and has been very popular in Germany and Scandinavia for more than 40 years. 

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Bernabé Chauqui, chalán

Juan took this portrait of Bernabé Chauqui in Salta, many years ago, during the shooting for the book "The horse of the Viceroyship". Together with writer and graphic designer Gonzalo Berro they drove 8500 kmts around the vast Argentina to photograph the world of the Peruvian Paso horse, the different breeds, their habitat, breeders and of course the chalanes, the people who train and take care of these beautiful horses. 

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

Portrait of Daniel Polski, ambassador

Juan met Daniel Polski, the former Argentinian Ambassador in Japan, and made some portraits for him for the Embassy in Tokyo. He is a wonderful guy and was extremely cooperative in the process. We decided to make a classical portrait, very much in the style of Karsh. Daniel has just left Buenos Aires for Berlin, where he will be presiding the Argentinian Embassy in Berlin.